Why do narcissists view boundaries as a “punishment”?

Uncategorized Mar 29, 2024

Narcissists are known for being self-absorbed and difficult to deal with, something you’re probably well aware of if you’re currently trying to set a boundary with one. You’ve been walking on eggshells for too long, you finally mustered up the courage to set the boundary in the most polite, easy to understand, thoughtful way. You’ve overthought about it weeks in advance, making multiple pros and cons lists, questioning yourself if you’re being reasonable, and finally deciding to go ahead and set that boundary. You expect them to be understanding, after all you’ve included very good reasons for your boundary, you may have even provided documented proof and evidence not even a lawyer could argue with that validates the reason for your boundary…

And then…

…is this person f*cking serious?

…did they seriously just ask me why I’M punishing THEM!? Were we both present for the same conversation? Wtf...

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Everything’s going great with the narcissist right now–but what does that REALLY mean?

Uncategorized Mar 29, 2024

Narcissists are everywhere. Whether the narcissist in your life is the colleague who takes credit for work you did, the friend who always needs to be the centre of attention, the significant other you have REALLY good and REALLY bad times with, the family member who’s never wrong, or the parent who expects you to be an unlimited source of supply for them, the same cycle of abuse and manipulation tactics are happening behind different situations. If you’re dealing with a narcissist, you may feel confused and wonder what’s REALLY going on when things are going well. Is this person actually a narcissist if they can be normal sometimes? After all, narcissists are known for being unstable, self-centered, and manipulative. This blog post will break down what’s really happening when things seem to be going well with the narcissistic abuser in your life.


The cycle of narcissistic abuse: how it works

Before we get into this, we need to first...

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