Narcissistic abuse recovery group coaching program


Become B.U.L.L.E.T.P.R.O.O.F. after narcissistic abuse

For survivors of narcissistic who have been ready to heal, but haven't found the right resources, tools, or guidance on navigating this shitshow.

Apply as an early bird today for exclusive bonuses

Is this you?

You're tired of...

❌ Being weighed down by the guilt, shame, and fear you're riddled with after experiencing narcissistic abuse

❌ Being a perfectionist, people pleaser, feeling guilty all the time, terrified of the narc’s next move, and ashamed of yourself for anything and everything

❌ Trying therapist after therapist, coach after coach, psychic after psychic, and not feeling like you're getting anywhere on your healing journey

❌ Finding more and more narcissists everywhere you go and not realizing it until they've caused you an immense amount of pain, and wondering if you're a magnet for these energy vampires

❌ Feeling triggered by anything and everything and not having the tools to be able to intervene with yourself when you're in a bamboozled state, ruining your day/week/month

❌ The voice of your inner critic overpowering the voice of your intuition... and not sure if you even have an intuition at all

Now you want to heal from the years or even decades of narcissistic abuse once and for all so you can live life on YOUR terms

You want the roadmap to heal from the abuse, unlearn the conditioning the narcissist subconsciously programmed into you, and a safe space to process what you've been through so...

You went to talk therapy

Only to realize your therapist didn't have a grasp of narcissistic abuse and gave terrible, re-traumatizing advice that only delayed your healing journey...

Only to be frustrated by the entire experience...

So you accepted that you'd just be scarred for life and that healing wouldn't be in the cards for you. And now you're noticing you have unexplained chronic pain and mystery symptoms, wondering if it's related to the abuse you suffered, but no one is giving you any answers or tools

So you went to a fortune teller out of desperation

Only to be told you needed to invest thousands of dollars to clear your chakras and remove the "bad energy" that was keeping you stuck. So now you're doom-scrolling on social media every day trying to find answers & healing, and feel like you're stuck on the self-improvement hamster wheel with no solution in sight.

Here's a bold question for you... 

What if you could get off the self-improvement hamster wheel, and instead make massive progress on your healing journey with a proven step by step roadmap led by a narcissistic abuse recovery expert who has helped thousands of survivors get to the other side of healing?

Sounds too good to be true?

Keep reading and I'll show you how!

This program has helped survivors of narcissistic abuse dealing with narcissistic parents, significant others, friends, colleagues, and family members go from feeling invalidated, unsupported, and struggling to undo the conditioning from the abuse to gaining clarity, self-esteem, letting go of codependency patterns and THRIVE after narcissistic abuse...
In a supportive small group setting with all the tools at their disposal!

I'll be honest with you... 

Becoming B.U.L.L.E.T.P.R.O.O.F. after experiencing narcissistic abuse isn't easy

You have to be at the point where you’re ready to take back your life, and start living on your own terms.You need to be willing to put in the time and effort that it takes to heal the right way.

Healing doesn't happen overnight, and anyone who claims it does is full of sh*t!

I know, because I have been there.

After enduring a lifetime of narcissistic abuse from being raised by a narcissistic mother, getting into one too many romantic relationships with narcissistic men, having narcissistic friends, colleagues - basically being surrounded by them, I hit a breaking point.

My trauma started manifesting physically in the form of chronic pain. I had TMJ dysfunction, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigeminal neuralgia after having shingles in my mouth, migraines, tendinitis, ulcers, only to name a few of the things that were wrong with me by the ripe old age of 30!

I was at rock bottom.

 Despite being in therapy for years at that point, and reaching a point of desperation where I was also seeing energy healers, psychics, and more, I just wasn't getting anywhere.

❌ Not one of the "professionals" I sought out validated the narcissistic abuse I endured. They all made me feel even worse by saying unhelpful things like, "ThAt'S yOuR mOtHeR," and "yOu WiLL nEvEr hEaL iF yOu DoN't FoRgiVe," and the most useless; "Be MoRe PoSiTiVe" without providing any tools or steps on how to do so.

❌ Not one of the "professionals" told me about the mindbody connection and that my intense, chronic, daily physical pain was due to repressed emotions from the childhood trauma of being raised by a narcissist

❌ Not one of the "professionals" showed me how to process my emotions, or gain any clarity. Rather, I was told to just "change my mindset" and everything would be okay 🤦🏻‍♀️

 But after years of being on the self-improvement hamster wheel, I finally eventually figured it out... ON MY OWN!

And so I took matters into my own hands, and within 4 months my chronic pain went away, my emotional intelligence finally existed, and I was inspired to become a coach to help others going through similar issues to finally get the right tools they need to heal, set boundaries, and live life on their own terms!

After 5 years of coaching survivors of narcissistic abuse, I've developed the ultimate blueprint to become B.U.L.L.E.T.P.R.O.O.F. after the abuse so you can stop just surviving, and finally start THRIVING!

So how does it work exactly?

There are 3 simple steps to this blueprint

Learn & Understand

Getting a true grasp of narcissistic abuse, and how the mind of a narcissist works so you can become the human bullshit detector and recognize manipulation instead of personalizing everything.

Regulate your nervous system

Recognize the impact the abuse has had on your nervous system, mind, and body and gain the tools to intervene with yourself when you're in a bamboozled state so you can get on with the rest of your day without feeling like crap.

Rebuild on a solid foundation

Gain the confidence and skills to move forward after experiencing narcissistic abuse so you can live life on your own terms and never fall prey to a narcissist's tactics again.

Introducing the ultimate blueprint to becoming B.U.L.L.E.T.P.R.O.O.F. after narcissistic abuse

Here's what we're covering in the 12-week LIVE group coaching program

This is the fist and most important module where you'll learn everything you need to know about narcissists. You will...

  • Become a human BS detector
  • Master the skill of "NarcRadar,"
  • Spot early warning signs to avoid getting tangled up with one in any future relationships, friendships, or workplaces
  • You will even be able to spot any other narcissists in your life who may have been lurking around but weren't necessarily obvious if they weren't targeting you. As they say - an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

This module is where the roadmap to begin truly healing from the trauma of narcissistic abuse begins.

  • You will be able to recognize your trauma responses, and become aware of your nervous system reactions.
  • You will have a much clearer understanding on yourself and your behaviour that was influenced by the narcissist who wanted to have power and control over you
  • And start taking the steps to become the best version of yourself you might not know is possible under all the conditioning from the abuse!

In this module, you will learn all about emotions, how they got repressed in your mindbody system due to the trauma from narcissistic abuse, and how to let go of the guilt, shame and fear that was conditioned into you.

  • Not only will releasing these emotions help you feel better emotionally, you will also notice the physical manifestations of the emotions begin to subside.
  • You'll be able to create a sense of safety to process your emotions in without retraumatizing yourself, and create space to access the good emotions like happiness, joy & excitement that you were forced to repress because the narcissist was threatened by your happiness.

In this module, you will understand what boundaries are and why they're so important to have if you are dealing with a narcissist, plus

  • Which boundaries to have when dealing with a narcissist
  • How to keep your boundaries no matter how the narcissist reacts to them!
  • You will also know who else in your life you need to set boundaries with, including setting boundaries with yourself as a tool to protect yourself from future narcissistic abuse.
  • This will help you heal on an even deeper level.

Module 5 is where you will increase your self-awareness, understand the misconceptions about codependency & challenge preconceived notions so you can...

  • Recognize that you NEVER were codependent to begin with, you were just being manipulated.
  • You will be equipped with strategies to break codependent patterns, find safety in independence
  • Gain freedom from people-pleasing and perfectionism
  • And learn how to cultivate self-reliance.

You will gain valuable insights into your patterns, recognize and embrace your inherent self-worth, empowering you to break free from the negative impact of narcissistic abuse in this module.

  • You will gain the tools to treat yourself with kindness, understanding, and compassion, plus inner-child healing
  • Begin to foster a more positive and empowering self-narrative. 
  • This module encourages you to reach your goals so you can ultimately regain the confidence to thrive in your life.

In this module, you will learn how to reconnect with your true self and begin truly trusting your intuition - even if you don't think you have an intuition!

  • You will learn how to recognize your inner voice and guidance system, even if your inner critic is being loud and obnoxious.
  • Ultimately, this module will help you recognize who you truly are, outside of the abuse you endured.

Module 8 is all about the inner critic!

  • You will gain a much deeper understanding that the voice of your inner critic is actually the voice of the narcissist in your life.
  • You will be able to predict what the inner critic is going to say to you to prevent you from attaining a goal, and you will gain the tools and strategies to stop taking your inner critic’s voice seriously and quiet it's voice so you can ultimately have freedom from this inner critical voice and self-sabotaging tendencies.

In this final module, you will regain control over your life!

  • Understand your personal power
  • Build resilience
  • Expect and accept respect
  • Remove negative influences from your life
  • Set ambitious goals for your future.
  • You will also be able to take all the tools from this program and learn how to keep using them beyond our 12 weeks together to continue making progress in your life so you can THRIVE!

 Not only that, you also get...

  • WEEKLY 60-minute group coaching calls with Coach Adriana for 12 weeks + 1 year access to the recordings of each call (value of $5000)
  • LIFETIME access to 9 comprehensive modules designed to guide your healing journey at any stage - whether you’re new to healing or have been on your journey for some time, these modules will be your ultimate guide! (value of $5000)
  • An exclusive Voxer Group where you can connect with Coach Adriana + group members in between calls (value of $3000)

Here’s a glimpse on the structure of the program

Weekly Group Calls

WEEKLY 60-minute group coaching calls with Coach Adriana for 12 weeks + 1 year access to the recordings of each call (value of $5000)

B.U.L.L.E.T.P.R.O.O.F. Modules

LIFETIME access to 9 comprehensive modules designed to guide your healing journey at any stage - whether you’re new to healing or have been on your journey for some time, these modules will be your ultimate guide! (value of $5000)

Voxer Group Chat

An exclusive Voxer Group where you can connect with Coach Adriana + group members in between calls (value of $3000)

PLUS some amazing BONUSES!

...but wait, there's more! 😅

3 x 45-minute 1:1 private coaching sessions with Coach Adriana (value of $1000)


5-days per week 1:1 voxer support with Coach Adriana for the 12 weeks (value of $6000)


Lifetime access to all my masterclasses(value of $2500) 

Don't take my word for it...


"Before I started the program my people-reading skills was very poor, I would always doubt my intuition and I always found myself entangled in one narcissistic friendship / situationship to another. I had very low self-esteem, low self-confidence, poor boundaries and I was a people-pleaser.

Adriana’s coaching has transformed my life. Each module from her program has thoroughly educated me on how to detect narcissists as well as training me on how to be in touch with my intuition and emotions. This is just the tip of the iceberg of what I have learnt from her program.

With Adriana’s support, I feel so much stronger and empowered as an individual. She helped me to finally feel truly understood and supported after so long. She has been the most encouraging and supportive coach I’ve ever had and for that I feel so blessed.

I finally feel that I am healing and that I am in control of my life. There is always light at the end of the dark tunnel and B.U.L.L.E.T.P.R.O.O.F helped me discover that.

As a fellow survivor of narcissistic abuse, I highly urge all survivors of narcissistic abuse to join Adriana’s program! It has truly been a life changing experience for me and you will not regret it. Life after narcissistic abuse is really challenging and so many times you just want to give up, but being able to have someone in your corner to guide you out from the dark and into the light is truly enlightening. It’s an experience you do not want to miss out on!"



"Are you ready to find your authentic self. I had no idea what this meant or how to get there. The methods of manifesting, meditation, prayer, therapy turned into anxiety, depression, self-hatred, self-doubt, suicide attempts.  This is the story of my life. 

I am now over 60, after many therapists that left me feeling stupid. The last one gaslighted me so badly, ‘that’s your MOTHER, she had a hard life too’.

I was dead inside, knew I needed to get out, especially when they taunted me about sending me away to Germany. My plan was to die or get out. Fast forward, nothing changed, cruel and emotional abuse is all I got.

Finally, enough. I was introduced to Adriana’s podcasts and listened to them over and over until I was ready to join her program and started the Journey of ME.

BULLETPROOF helped me unpack my life one layer at a time. Adriana asks all the hard questions, now I knew it was my turn to answer them. As each layer fell away, I was able to see the truth, my mother is a cruel narcissist, the emotional abuse was/is real and so unfair. She has no right to treat me that way. I learned to recognize and squash that inner critic and replace it with my kind gentle voice.  With Adriana’s pure kindness and patience that has helped me get to where I am today.

I now have the right tools for my mind and soul that is mine to guide, mine to be safe with, mine to be kind and compassionate with. 

Don’t wait until the decades of abuse consume you."


"If you're following Adriana, that means you can benefit so much more from her program. Take it from me - I followed her Instagram for years, and in that time tried counseling more than once. Now that I've done her program, I only wish I'd saved time and money to do it sooner. It has helped me more than all the self-help methods and counselors combined. If you want help faster that actually changes your mindset and situation, this is your sign to do the program!

I thought I knew all the information about narcissism from spending hours online, yet I was still unable to break myself fully away from the abuse from my family.

Doing Adriana's program was exactly what I needed to see more of the truth in my own situation and give myself permission to listen to my intuition and do the work to start to actually free myself. It's worth it."



"I was really nervous but excited about joining this program. Initially, I had a very difficult time being able to call the harmful person in my life a "narcissist," and I was afraid of mislabeling them.

Adriana was very understanding and receptive to my concerns. I am able to see now, through her breakdowns of narcissist behaviors and tactics, the patterns in my own relationships that I missed previously.

I feel confident in knowing how to set and keep my boundaries and this has helped me to take my life into my own hands and take the power away from the narcissistic people in my life."


"Adriana is literally a lifesaver! I found her group soon after becoming estranged from my toxic family. I was struggling with toxic shame and difficulty navigating narcissistic family dynamics.

She gently but honestly helped us understand the intricacies of toxic families, trauma bonding, and building a life rooted in self-love and honoring our truth. I am not sure I would have been able to maintain no-contact and build this incredible life free from abuse if I didn’t have her support and guidance especially in the early stages of my healing journey.

Adriana’s honesty is a refreshing change to anyone who’s lived a life in the confusion of narcissistic abuse."


"B.U.L.L.E.T.P.R.O.O.F. has literally changed my life. I was hesitant to admit to myself I needed coaching but it’s been one of the most beneficial things I’ve ever done for myself. Adriana’s modules helped me understand the complexity of what I had been dealing with my whole life and the weekly zoom calls really made me feel validated.

Adriana was the first person other than my wife that I talked to about my narcissistic family and talking to someone who’s been through it themselves was extremely validating. It wasn’t until a little while after we were finished our sessions that I fully appreciated the value of having someone “get it” and empathize with me.

Since completing this program communication between my wife and I has never been better and for the first time in my life I feel in touch with myself.

I have also tried therapy and I find coaching has a less formal, peer-to-peer feel and I found that aspect far more beneficial than the clinical feel I had with traditional therapy.



"I’ve been seeking guidance to cope with my mothers narcissistic abuse. Therapy made it worse. No one around me understood. Culture told me I’m the problem and my mother should be worshipped. After a prayer, I came across Adrianas page and my entire life changed. I know that sounds dramatic. But I swear, knowledge is freaking power.

I decided to reach out to Adriana for coaching and I had massive breakthroughs. I followed her protocol PRECISELY. You CAN be free, it’s literally within arms reach and all the power is within you. I am actually FULLY free from my mothers narcissistic abuse. Physically and mentally. No guilt, shame, or doubt ATTACHED (part of the inner work which Adriana shows you how to do).

It is all in your hands whether you believe it or not it’s true. You can be independent, set boundaries, and be free. I’d like to thank Adriana for literally changing my life for the better. I’ll never be the same and my life is now pure enjoyment. She helped me in the most important way anyone ever can. It’s so so so worth it.



"At my lowest point, I went down a rabbit hole of researching symptoms and signs for what I was going through. I came across Adriana via another Instagramer's Live, and I was hooked. I followed her account and could not get enough of the content she posted.

When things in my life continued to make no sense (but everything she shared DID), I decided to sign up for online coaching. I knew how much she went through, and that made it a safe space for me to feel anything and everything I needed to feel.

She validated my truth and took me seriously, and pointed out things that I would have otherwise brushed off (turns out, brushing it off doesn't work). Not only that, but she responded in such a timely way whenever I needed her. Having that kind of access is priceless--a support system that is exactly what you need when you need it.

She tells it how it is. I really felt like we could relate in a way I couldn't with anyone else. Thank you Adriana for guiding me towards validating my own truth and giving me the power and tools to see things in a stronger, healthier way!"


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